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This video has been censored and deleted on YouTube...
Yael Halon of Fox News reported:
Tucker Carlson opened Tuesday's edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" by railing against the "ludicrous" measures taken by leading technology companies who claim to be combating "misinformation" about the coronavirus pandemic.
LEARN WHY the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has lied, is lying, and will continue to lie to protect its regime, and how it has been attempting to deceive, infiltrate, and dominate the world.
Originating in China, the coronavirus got out of control because the CCP hid it and lied about it. Can something worse happen? Maybe. What if it is not a pandemic that may eventually pass but a fatal threat to our security, freedom, and way of life?
Prof. Raoult MD, PhD at Aix-Marseille University discusses the latest results of his treatment with Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin of over 2600 patients with Covid-19.
He also discusses his views on the use of the drug Remdesivir, and the impact of medical news on the performance of stocks Gilead and Sanofi..
Das erste Gespräch zwischen Punkt.PRERADOVIC und Professor Homburg hat für jede Menge Reaktionen gesorgt. Professor Homburg hatte anhand der Reproduktionszahlen des Robert-Koch-Instituts erklärt, die Zahl R1 sei bereits vor dem Lockdown am 23.3. erreicht worden. Und daran hätte sich auch während des Lockdown wenig geändert. Also sei der Lockdown wirkungslos gewesen. Anders, als es Kanzlerin Merkel erklärt hatte.
Dazu sind in den Kommentaren auf Youtube viele Fragen aufgeploppt. Die wichtigsten Fragen wurden Professor Homburg in diesem zweiten Gespräch gestellt.
An interview from
That was one of the more extraordinary interviews we have done here at UnHerd.
Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO, lays out with typically Swedish bluntness why he thinks:
The Coronavirus is dominating the media. Our social life has been drastically altered, unlike any other time this century. We should ask ourselves: Why is all this taking place? Is the "Covid-19" designated virus not simply a tool to pause a critically damaged finance system?
A conversation between Ernst Wolff and Alex Quint.